The Goal - Lose 255lbs

The Goal: Lose 169lbs Goal Weight: 220lbs
Lost So Far: 0lbs
Left to Go: 169lbs

The Rules.
Eat less calories than I burn & exercise. Stay Strong!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Still here

I am still here. I have not given up again. I am eating less and have lost 10lbs so far. Probably water weight, but I'll take it :-)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Ok made it to evening

This time I will focus more about how I feel and less on telling you what I ate and what I did at the gym. I need to deal with the things that make me eat and how eating makes me feel.

Ok I made it to afternoon

I don't mind eating eating right so much. I just hate tracking everything I eat. I hate that eating healthy and being fit becomes who you are instead of just something you do. I hate being overweight and depressed more.

I am officially the heaviest I have ever been.

I have not been here for a long while and my last attempt failed completely. This does not mean I can just give up. I finally feel bad enough about myself both physically and mentally to know that I can no longer go on this way. I weighed myself today on my 450lb scale and in came up - - -. It can't even weigh my fat ass. I have been in denial. Today I will start anew what I know will be a long journey to saving my life.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Hi! Remember me? - Day 1 (Again)

As you have no doubt guessed I fell off the wagon and hard. You know how it is. You slip off and then you keep making excuses and the next thing you know it has been 5 months. Well I am ready to get back on this horse. I imagine this will be a struggle for the rest of my life, but finally having the knowledge of the struggle is a good thing.

Anyone I am not going to waste a lot of time here. Let's just get through today!


Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 4 - Losing weight fast!


I forgot to post yesterday, sorry about that. I have been playing this new game "DC Universe Online" and sometimes I get into it and forget to do things. Anyway I have lost 15lbs in 3 days. I am sure it is water weight and such, but it is nice anyway. When I posted on Tuesday I was at 395 and today I am at 380. Nice little boost to keep me motivated. Today I turned down pizza at work so my resolve is back, but damn I am hungry.

It is amazing how much we associate food with happiness. If I am off for the weekend and I can't sit around and snack it makes me think it is a wasted day. The key is to find other things to occupy my mind. I have found as I get further into this it becomes easier to focus on things that don't involve eating. Anyway I just wanted to drop a post and let y'all know I am still here.


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